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Hi, I’m Linda

I’m a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, CNP, Certified Pastry Chef, Home Cook and Novice Gardener, among many other things. Here on my blog, you will find advice for navigating the world of food and making just honest, good meals.

Detox, Cleanse or Bust: Recap

Detox, Cleanse or Bust: Recap

Periodic cleansing is always a great idea…so why not now?? Twice a year is ideal so I like to do a little extra detox in the spring and fall but you always ease into it! I do!! Start off with a few small changes…drink more water, cut out the sugar, fried, and processed foods, add in some good hardy greens and fiber-rich foods,  avoid alcohol,  get moving, get outside, and don’t forget to breathe.   Any small changes you make will have a great impact on how you feel and it could keep you motivated to keep going!!

If you need a reminder of the foods that will impact your detox the most, here’s a free printable download of all the best detox foods. Post it on your fridge and never question whether or not you are eating right for your detox!!

Think about this as a time when you can add in more of those healthy foods to help detox your body which can speed up your metabolism get you feeling lighter and if you add a little more movement, especially outdoors, now you really got something!  Detox foods are full of antioxidants, rich with nutrients that really give your immune system a boost, leave you feeling lighter, and improves your overall health…something we all need to keep on top these days.

Don’t get overwhelmed, just start off slow with one or two small changes and then just keep adding in something new when you’re ready. It will feel like second nature in no time!!


Here’s a collection of my previous posts with more details on how to start and sustain a successful detox!

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Pure juices are a great addition to a detox but…

…if you’re new at this, go easy on the juices! You’ll need to learn to walk before you can run!! Small doses to start before you go for the large glass of these pure pressed juices.

And, if you’re feeling courageous, once you’re comfortable with juices, work up to a 2 or 3-day juice cleanse…they really are amazing!!!

Kitchen Overhaul: Sugar Seems To Be Everywhere

Kitchen Overhaul: Sugar Seems To Be Everywhere

Not all food found in health food stores is healthy

Not all food found in health food stores is healthy