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Hi, I’m Linda

I’m a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, CNP, Certified Pastry Chef, Home Cook and Novice Gardener, among many other things. Here on my blog, you will find advice for navigating the world of food and making just honest, good meals.

Cleanse, Detox, Diet or Bust?

Cleanse, Detox, Diet or Bust?

Well, I know I’m busting…I really enjoyed myself this year.  Still enjoying myself in fact! There are still lots of goodies hanging around — cupboards are busting with them!  I know it’s time to start cleaning up…everything, the house, the cupboards, my body but I’m not rushing into anything, and neither should you. 

First and foremost, we must be kind to ourselves.  We indulged and enjoyed ourselves for the last month so it might take just as long, if not longer, to clean it up and get back to good working order.

Before starting any post-holiday cleanse, detox or diet, here are a couple of things to consider:

  1. How much food, more specifically treats, do you still have lingering in your kitchen?

  2. Are you still craving sugar, salt, and alcohol? 

  3. When was the last time you exercised? Did you actually break a sweat?

  4. Have you accepted that the holidays are over? Mentally, we know the season is over but have our bodies figured it out? Am I going to a Super Bowl party?  A Golden Globes or Oscar party?  Is the party season being extended?

  5. Are you willing to make one small change at a time that will improve how you feel?

It’s always best to ease our bodies back into good food and good habits before starting any cleanse or detox program.  These good habits we form will increase our chances of sticking to the new program and not slipping back into the old habits or getting discouraged and giving up.  And if you are going to attend Super Bowl or Oscar parties, stick to the plan and look at the party day as your cheat day.  Don’t wait until all the parties have passed before starting any healthy eating plans.  There will always be some party somewhere you’ll want to go to.  Remember, this is a life plan and is not meant to be temporary.  We eat well, drink lots of water and exercise regularly so we can enjoy all these events and all the great food that comes with it!

Top 6 Tips on Getting Started on a Cleanse, Detox or Diet:

1.      We best start with diet by getting rid of every treat and every nutrient-deficient food that is leftover from the holidays, especially if you don’t like it.  It’s time to cleanse the kitchen cupboards too!  Don’t feel bad throwing out this food.  It doesn’t give you joy and doesn’t nourish you. Eating it for the sake of eating it does you no good.  If there are a few things that you do enjoy and you want to keep, keep it, enjoy it.  Treat yourself mindfully and sparingly, but not daily.  Remember, we are easing into our clean eating habits.

2.      Increase your water intake.  Start drinking at least 1 glass of water first thing in the morning. Better yet, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the water. (I highlighted the benefits of lemon water here!)  This will not only hydrate but it will also get your liver activated to start a light detox helping to curb any sugar and salt cravings which can be strong in the morning.  Make sure you have at least 2 litres of water, herbal teas do count, throughout the day.  Dandelion leaf &/or root, burdock, peppermint, ginger or fennel teas are great choices for improving digestion and getting the liver and kidneys working.

3.      Start eliminating the foods that you know you’re sensitive to.  It was the holidays so we indulged a little (I did too!), despite the reactions from our body. But now it’s time to go back to normal and avoid these foods that inflame our bodies.  This is best done cold turkey.  Just stop!  Your body will thank you.

4.      Get moving.  If you had an exercise routine, go back to it.  If not, start by doing anything you like.  Just start moving. The increase in blood flow will help to move toxins out, decrease cravings and give you more energy and drive to keeping going on your path.

5.      Increase your fiber intake.  We increased your fluids so now your kidneys will work better, but we have to get the bowels moving.  Add raw veggies, oatmeal, bean, legumes, lentils, ground flax seeds and chia seeds to your diet. Pick a variety. The body loves variety.  Add some to each meal.

6.      Positive energy produces positive results…especially our thoughts!!  It’s important not to be negative, especially towards ourselves. If you have a moment of weakness, don’t be hard on yourself and weigh yourself down with harsh negative condemnation.  Think of the last good thing you were able to do and focus on that, celebrate that.  This will help you to keep on the right track and moving forward in a positive and encouraging manner.

Be kind to your body.  Be kind to yourself.

It’s time to simplify our diets and give our internal organs a break. They’ve been working pretty hard while you’ve been having fun! Don’t be too upset if you slip.  Just center yourself, focus and start again.  Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Check in next week as we focus on how to stay the course so we can achieve the goals that we have set for ourselves this year. If you want to receive an email when a new post is up, subscribe to my mailing list here.

More reading:

Lemon Water | The Benefits of Including It In Our Daily Routines


Wishing you a year full of peace love and joy.

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