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Hi, I’m Linda

I’m a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, CNP, Certified Pastry Chef, Home Cook and Novice Gardener, among many other things. Here on my blog, you will find advice for navigating the world of food and making just honest, good meals.

Kitchen Tools & Equipment Series - Introduction to the Series

Kitchen Tools & Equipment Series - Introduction to the Series

My intention is to help guide you through the sea of kitchen tools & equipment available so you can make the best choices for your style of cooking, your skill level, and your comfort level.

With a combined 90 years of cooking and baking experience in the kitchen, my mother and I have quite the collection of kitchen equipment.  Admittedly, I’ve collected far more tools than she has.  I don’t like to use the word “gadget” because gadgets come and go but tools endure.  This I know from experience because I’ve tried my share of gadgets over the years and well, let’s just say that they didn’t make the cut and no longer take up space in my cabinets and drawers.  I remember watching my mother cook when I was growing up and she could do any number of tasks with just a few tools, her favorites were a standard dinner fork and soup spoon, this is in part her practicality and partly because like her mother, she didn’t have a lot so getting by with very little was second nature to her.  We recently joined our two kitchens so we had to narrow down to just the basics, according to us.  Everyone will have their own collection that they consider their basics, the things that they use every day or at least every week or month.  Those tools that make cooking a little easier and more enjoyable.  Over the course of this series I’ll show you what we consider our basic tools and equipment, the reasons why we’ve chosen them and any alternative uses some tools may have that might not be exactly what was intended but can come in handy just the same. 


A no-nonsense approach…

The best tools you’ll ever own are the ones that work, are built to last and that you can rely on.  No need for anything fancy, shiny or sparkly. You won’t find much of that in our kitchen. I always felt that getting the job done easily and fast is the best thing in the kitchen.  This is how my mother has always cooked, a no nonsense approach with delicious results. We’re still using tools today that she bought decades ago…some are even older than me!

Where to buy your favorite tools?

My favorite places to buy kitchen equipment are restaurant supply stores.  Most will sell to the public without needing to set up an account and they have a lot of choice and knowledgeable staff.  If you want something to put on display to match your décor, they may or may not have what you are looking for but if you what something functional, built to last and can do the job, they will have what you need.  For cookware and small appliance I usually look around for sales.  Almost everything goes on sale at one time or another so if you’re not in a hurry keep a look out at the department stores, kitchen stores and on-line, you’ll find what you need at a better price.  If buying large or more expensive items on-line and you’re new to buying kitchen equipment, I would go out to the stores and look at the items first hand.  Make sure that its right for you.  Take a good look at it, be sure it fits your needs and ask a lot questions of the store staff.  Then, if you find it on-line at a great price you’ll know it’s right for you and you won’t have to worry about being disappointed or having to return it. 

What to consider?

Just remember to ask yourself these questions when considering something new: 

Do I really need this?  Does it fit my cooking style?

How often will I use it? …or can I make do without it? 

Do I have space for it in my kitchen?

Do I really have to spend this much or can I get by with something less expensive? 

As we work through the episodes I will discuss why these questions are important and how to decide what’s best for you.  Building your kitchen is a process and it is personal.  I’ve enjoyed building my kitchen over the years and still do…restaurant supply stores are like toy stores to me.  I want to help you build your kitchen by giving you information that you can use to take away any uncertainty and allow you to have some fun doing it.


Here’s a brief overview of what to expect in each episode:

Episode 1:  Cooking Utensils – Here’s where we start with the most basic tools you’ll find in any kitchen from varying kinds of spatulas to whisks and tongs.

Episode 2:  Non-electric tools – These are tools designed for one specific use and not likely to be used for anything but what it has been designed to do.  These are often tools you just can’t make do without them.

Episode 3:  Knives – This is a very specialized category and there’s a lot of information out there about knives.  I actually sold knives for a few years so I’m hoping to give you some insight on what I learned during those years, plus the importance of care and maintenance of your knives.

Episode 4:  Cutting boards – The types of material that cutting boards are made of, the size, and how many you should have in your kitchen are all things that need to be considered. 

Episode 5:  Cookware – I will show you how to maximize your cooking with a minimum number of pots and pans and what to look for in your cookware that best suits your stove or cooking surface.

Episode 6:  Small appliances – This is a very large category and sometimes a costly one.  We’ll look at both the benefits and drawbacks of small appliances and how you can discover for yourself what is best for you.

Episode 7:  Mixing Bowls – Seems like a very simple thing but size, weight, type of materials bowls are made of and either intended uses need to be considered.  There’s no point in having more bowls than you really need. 

Episode 8:  Measuring Tools – You might not need precision in your everyday meals but sometimes we do need to measure, accurately, the ingredients we use in particular dishes. We’ll be looking at both weight and volume type measuring tools.

Episode 9:  Baking tools – For me, being a pastry chef, I personally have a lot of baking tools.  I don’t use many of them very often because they are very specialized but I will guide you through the essentials.

Episode 10:  Bakeware - Just like cookware, quality really does matter when it comes to bakeware.  I’ll give you some tips on what to look for and why you should or shouldn’t invest in particular pieces.

Kitchen Tools & Equipment: Episode 1 - Cooking Utensils

Kitchen Tools & Equipment: Episode 1 - Cooking Utensils