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Hi, I’m Linda

I’m a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, CNP, Certified Pastry Chef, Home Cook and Novice Gardener, among many other things. Here on my blog, you will find advice for navigating the world of food and making just honest, good meals.

Kitchen Tools & Equipment: Episode 6 - Small Appliances

Kitchen Tools & Equipment: Episode 6 - Small Appliances

It seems there’s a small appliance to do just about every job in the kitchen but we really need to have one of everything? I don’t think so. I never have and still don’t use a lot of small appliances on a regular basis. I usually pull them out when I want to save some time and effort. I look for small appliances that can do some very specific things, chopping, grinding, and pureeing, which is what my focus will be for this episode. I can chop and slice fast enough but if there’s a lot to do, I really prefer to use a small appliance. Imagine how long it would take to finely dice 6 cups of mushrooms, 1 onion, 1 carrot, and 1 celery stalk?  If you don’t have great knife skills, you’ll be there all day!  So, anywhere I can save a little time and effort, I do!!  I wouldn’t say go out and buy every machine available but I would say pick the ones that would serve you best…save you the most time and energy or do the jobs you don’t like to do. 

Before buying any small appliance, here are some things to consider:
What can it do? And, what can’t it do?

How often will it be used?   If I don’t use it often, will it save me a lot of time and effort when I do use it, making it worth having?

Will it need servicing?  Where can I get it serviced?

Will I use it often enough to make it worth what it costs? 

Do I have somewhere to store it…do I have space for it?

Do your research

I do recommend you do some research.  Don’t look for just features, quality, and reliability but also look at servicing.  At some point, some of these appliances, especially ones that are more costly, will need to be serviced.  Is there someone local who is certified by the manufacture that you can trust with your appliance?  Or better still, does the manufacturer have an office close by with a service center?  The only small appliance I have a get attachment to is my stand mixer.  I’ve had mine for over 30 years and we’ve made a lot of cakes and desserts together over the decades, so for me, it is a must-have and it’s my baby. I won’t leave it with just anyone.  They have to know what they’re doing.  It’s because of proper servicing that it’s still working to this day...and it was worth every penny I’ve spent on it! I do like things that last!


Vintage grater...

This was one of only a few small appliances I remember my mother having when I was a child. It wasn’t as pretty as this one but it did the job. She used it to grate hard cheeses and dried bread into crumbs. Even though it was manual, it did save a lot of time and effort. It was absolutely worth having…and to this day, we still use it!!

Small appliances can be a plus in the kitchen. The trick is to pick what is right for you and not overload yourself or your kitchen with appliances that just take up space. If you’re making a dish and every time you are, you’re thinking “there’s got to be a better way?”, then maybe it’s time to consider a small appliance to help you.

Kitchen Tools & Equipment: Episode 7 - Mixing Bowls

Kitchen Tools & Equipment: Episode 7 - Mixing Bowls

Kitchen Tools & Equipment: Episode 5 - Cookware

Kitchen Tools & Equipment: Episode 5 - Cookware